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First timer, noob can't login

edited October 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, i'm a noob I'll admit that now. Everything appeared to go as planned during the intallation. (I followed the instructions to a T) (this is also my first time with mysql but the database appears to be working fine and is set up with a user and pass and database called vanilla) From the users end I can see the forum, but when I try to login with my admin account I get "IE cannot display the webpage" error and the path changes in IE to http://localhost/Vanilla-1.1.3/people.php. On the server or locally I can get to the login screen and login with my admin account (so it says) but when I click on "click here for discussions" or "click to continue to catergories" or "review new memberships" it just takes me back to the initial forums screen and says that I am not signed in. The server is running on FC7 and has the latest version of php and mysql. Do I need to open any ports on my router to talk to mysql? I also saw a discussion about cookies but that was over my head. I also double checked all file permissions that were mentioned in the installation help file. Can someone enlighten me?


  • Is your forum online? Can I register?
  • no, you can't register cause it doesn't work, all you can do is view the forum through your browser.
  • I just visited your forum, the link point to localhost.

    you need to install vanilla from and not localhost.

    If you just want to test it on your computer, install it on localhost, visit it on localhost and set the cookie domain to Configuration['COOKIE_DOMAIN'] = '';
  • You Rock!, and so do I. Here's the deal I had the base url set to localhost and cookie domain set to so I changed the cookie domain to nothing, and changed the base url to Right on thanks for your help!
  • Personally I think you'd be best setting the cookie domain to '' but aslong as it works that's cool.
  • I would like to open up this question again. I have tried to log in on my localhost/testvanilla site but have been unable to do so using any of the main browsers (IE, Firefox, mozilla, seamonkey and opera). I am working on a windowsXP machine with apache 2 and php 5.1.6 and mysql 5. I have tried to set the parameters in the settings.php file as described variously cookies domain as '' and cookie path as '/'. However, when examining what cookies are in the browsers, there are none from localhost although I have instructed Firefox and IE to accept them from that address. One curious thing is that using topstyle with its directory mapping to create pages and preview them, I can log in and out. but not the ordinary browsers. The stylesheets are lost when logged in. It has been a frustrating day reading in this forum and trying to come to grips with what I have seen in the files. Needless to say I am not a programmer, but I really like the look of vanilla and would like to implement it for a site coming up. I hope you may be able to help.
  • Are you sure cookies are set up properly on your server?
  • from my php.ini file ; Whether to use cookies. session.use_cookies = 1 ; This option enables administrators to make their users invulnerable to ; attacks which involve passing session ids in URLs; defaults to 0. ; session.use_only_cookies = 1 ; Name of the session (used as cookie name). = PHPSESSID ; Initialize session on request startup. session.auto_start = 0 ; Lifetime in seconds of cookie or, if 0, until browser is restarted. session.cookie_lifetime = 0 ; The path for which the cookie is valid. session.cookie_path = / ; The domain for which the cookie is valid. session.cookie_domain = "Plain vanilla" as they say.
This discussion has been closed.