
edited June 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • I'm getting the following error: Warning: require_once(/home/.pilar/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/forums/extensions/WishPot/magpierss/extlib/Snoopy.class.inc) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/.pilar/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/forums/extensions/WishPot/magpierss/rss_fetch.inc on line 35 Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/.pilar/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/forums/extensions/WishPot/magpierss/extlib/Snoopy.class.inc' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/.pilar/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/forums/extensions/WishPot/magpierss/rss_fetch.inc on line 35
  • Damn it, I see the problem. Forgot to include the extlib directory in the zip file. Let me fix that and reupload.
  • Uploaded version 0.0.2 of WishPot.com.
  • Alright, included the extlib directory. Sorry for missing that.
  • This rocks. Nice one :)
  • Just one issue,

    sometimes at the top of my page I get:
    Notice: Undefined property: MagpieRSS::$etag in /home/.pilar/xx/xxxxxxxx.com/forums/extensions/WishPot/magpierss/rss_fetch.inc on line 156
  • That seems to be an issue with Magpie RSS and how it handles stale cache's. I fixed it on my copy, maybe I didn't upload the changes. Uno momento
  • Make sure line 156 of magpierss/rss_fetch.inc looks like:

    if ( $rss and isset($rss->etag) and isset($rss->last_modified) ) {

    It appears that way in the copy I just uploaded, so maybe it didn't overwrite the file you already had downloaded?
  • ok change made and uploaded. i'll let you know if it appears again. thanks.
  • Uploaded version 0.1.1 of WishPot.com.
  • Updated code to allow users to set the Cache options through Vanilla's Extension Options on the Settings tab.
  • And I already discovered a bug with the checkboxes.... *back to the drawing board*
  • Uploaded version 0.1.2 of WishPot.com.
  • Fixed. Silly me, forgot 2 lines of code.
This discussion has been closed.