Biggest newbie question ever...

blizeHblizeH ✭✭
edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Quite simply a few users from my board are crying out for a darker coloured theme, I pretty much ignored it a bit since the default theme is awesome as it is, but after meeting them the other evening and them bringing it up briefly I've caved in :P

Ideally I'd want the board to stay at it's default, and then just have an option in their profile to let them select a darker one, but I've no idea how to do it :(

Any advice much appreciated, thanks :)


  • All you need to do is make yourself a second css file with some darker colours in (any of your designer friends might like to do this if you're not sure how) then chuck it in the styles directory and add it under sytle management. Assuming you're on 0.9.2.x ofcourse. Whats more, if you check out the wiki you'll see there are a bunch of styles which have already been made (quite a few are darker too). Add em into your repository and your users should have plenty to choose from.
  • Sounds great, thanks mini :)

    I've no idea how to do the style myself, not so it'd look decent anyway, and unfortunately couldn't really find anything suitable on this board, the only darker theme is the Warcraft one.

    Are there any other sites with Vanilla themes?
  • edited February 2006
    I don't think there are any other sites with Vanilla themes. I HAD a dark on lying around, but ti is now gone (server crash). I think some of Lech's ones are quite dark, so you might want to look at those. Hope that helps. If you need any help modifying one (if you want to chance it and give it a go), let us know and we might be able to lend you a guiding hand.
  • Ahh, that's a shame but np :) Any idea where I can find Lech's? Had a look through the forum but had no luck.

    I'm tempted to do one myself, I'd really like to, but my CSS knowledge is absolutely dire to say the least, hmm...
  • Hello, I heard my name called, so here I am. :) Take Note: These two are only for the current stable release (>= as 0.9.3 (1.0) supports templates and a different style structure. I'll be busy in the coming month(s) revamping a template for that as soon as I can get around to it. In other words, I hope you're running or these styles just won't work.
  • Sorry if i was a little unclear this morning i was sprinting out the door
    *drum roll and dramatic voice 'minisweeper of proudly presents'
    *louder drums....THE WIKI!
  • styles work pretty well in 0.9.3 with minor modifications.

    Course, after nick's template overhaul, who knows.
  • Ahh superstar, cheers lech dude! One problem though, vanilla dirt doesn't actually work, the file's not online :(

    Also, where can I download the Vanilla favicon?
  • woops, my appologies, that was a bad filename on my part which I uploaded to the server. As for the favicon, I don't recall there ever was one. However, if mark says ok to it and wants to throw it a favicon into the 9.3 release, I'd be more than happy to whip up a favicon for the app. mark, any objections to adding another line for the header?
  • Ahh that's awesome, downloading now, thanks lech :)

    Sounds cool about the favicon, I could of swore I've seen some forums using it though?
  • Quite possibly thier own favicons which they made for their sites to spread their logo/project presence or just to represent the application currently being accessed on the domain. That's usually the go on it.
  • Ooh I see, shame they've not realised a proper one to use yet though. /pokes mark Awesome job on the dark Vanilla theme by the way lech, it's going down an absolute treat with a lot of our users :)
  • I've sunk a favicon into 0.9.3, this will probably work on a per style/template basis depending on how mark works things out in the headers. Then again, each template will treat this differently.
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