[request] Troll cap extension

edited August 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I saw this on Signal vs. Noise and thought it was a pretty cool idea. (it also dims the comment so it's hard to read).


Anyone up for it? I'd give you a hug.

hope I'm not being too pesky


  • Why does this have to be an extension? Just make it (the small version) the icon for a "troll" role.
  • I just did it on my site; works great.
  • Well, that's kinda different. The idea was to mark bad posts (flame spam off-topic) as "Troll" posts, and have the icon show up next to them, as sort of an alternetive to hiding/deleting.
  • edited February 2006

  • C-uniT: Yeah, but posts aren't trolls, people are trolls.
  • Yeah, I know, but the idea of mocking people's post just appeals to me. As someone of 37signals suggested, they're would be a good post picture too. Maybe I'll try and figure something out.
  • gigingergiginger New
    edited February 2006
    Isn't this just the douchebag icon thing with a different picture?
  • Seems like it :)
  • exactly like it
  • But the main point was that you don't assign a role to the poster, but mark his post as offensive or so.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I read this thread last night, and the throughout the night I had nightmares that 37signals started ripping off all my ideas but calling them different names. Hahaha
  • Calm down Mark, ripping your ideas and turning them in to profit on different names is my job description. I won't let them rip you off like that. I promise that as your lawyer and your drug deal err.. keeper away'er.
  • out of curiousity, has anyone yet to use the "block user" feature with vanilla? if not here, at least on their own or another site running vanilla? I just propose that on a per-thread basis, add a modifier that cranks up that users "douche-bag(troll) status" or something eventually hiding their posts from all other users across the board. Making it more of an invouluntary action for those entering late into the discussion and allowing them to skip over the idiots inflamatory postings.
  • Interesting ideas.
  • That is a very nice idea.
  • its ok as long as the user is in fact a troll, so often people use this label for their own petty convenience, personally I think its a stupid idea, if someone is doing mayhem then they should be banned and only for that reason. If they say you have bad breath only that should not be reason to call them a troll. How about a time out box yea put them in the box humiliate, throw rocks, beat them with a club lol
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