Biggest newbie question ever...

Quite simply a few users from my board are crying out for a darker coloured theme, I pretty much ignored it a bit since the default theme is awesome as it is, but after meeting them the other evening and them bringing it up briefly I've caved in :P
Ideally I'd want the board to stay at it's default, and then just have an option in their profile to let them select a darker one, but I've no idea how to do it
Any advice much appreciated, thanks
Ideally I'd want the board to stay at it's default, and then just have an option in their profile to let them select a darker one, but I've no idea how to do it

Any advice much appreciated, thanks

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I've no idea how to do the style myself, not so it'd look decent anyway, and unfortunately couldn't really find anything suitable on this board, the only darker theme is the Warcraft one.
Are there any other sites with Vanilla themes?
I'm tempted to do one myself, I'd really like to, but my CSS knowledge is absolutely dire to say the least, hmm...
*drum roll and dramatic voice 'minisweeper of proudly presents'
*louder drums....THE WIKI!
Course, after nick's template overhaul, who knows.
Also, where can I download the Vanilla favicon?
Sounds cool about the favicon, I could of swore I've seen some forums using it though?