Best way to get Google Ads working on a Vanilla forum?

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Our forum is currently hosted on my friends PC and I've decided it'd be nice to give him a little money for hosting it, the best way of this I think is to use Google Adsense on our site and give the proceeds to him, but ideally I want the least obtrusive banner as possible.

I've noticed this extension places Google Ads onto the page somewhere, but it appears that the page is now offline.

Has anyone succesfully implemented Google Ads into their page? Do they stand out lots? And do they work with different themes or just the default one?



  • This forum has them installed.

    That's the only one I've seen with the ad extension.
  • That looks like pretty much waht I'm after, although I'd use a smaller less obtrusive form of ad.

    Where can I get the ad extension from?
  • If you're on 0.9.2.x I'm assuming the Google Ads Extension still works?
  • Oh yeah, got it working now, thanks! For some reason it wasn't loading properly earlier ;o

    Is there anyway to stick the advert at the bottom of the page? At the moment it's screwing up the sidebar :(
  • mucking about with the panel->addstring should do some stuff but i'm not sure what to change it to to get it on the bottom of the page. you could give foot->addstring a go but that really is a wild stab in the dark and i cant glance through the code to check right now. I'm sure if it doesnt work someone will hook you up.
  • ✭✭
    edited February 2006
    Ah okay thanks, I'll look into it now!

    I might remove it all together though, I don't think I've set it up right and I'm getting confused :(

    EDIT: No idea if Google Ads work by views or clicks, but the ad has had loads of views and I've clicked it twice to test it, and nothing's showing up in the reports :(
  • This is absolutely doing my head in now :/ Can anyone shed any light as to why it's not even showing up on my reports page?
  • Here's a link to my GoogleAds extension -

    And the message I get from Adsense is -
    AdSense for content - No data available -
    Referrals - No data available -

    And advice much appreciated, thanks!
  • I think it takes a while to appear in the reports.
  • ✭✭
    edited February 2006
    Oh yeah!
    AdSense for content top channels 1,053 1 0.1% $0.00 $0.00
    Thanks :)

    Now all I have to do is work out how to get it at the bottom of that nav bar, hmm! Finally, is there a way to get it so it simply extracts the colour information from your CSS file so it fits in with the theme? ta
  • Any help please dudes? :)
  • /jumps up and down

  • Okay, ignoring the theme thing, is there not just a simple way to get it at the bottom of the sidebar? :)
  • Oh man, Oh man! I apologise for keep bumping this, but it'd appear I'm not getting any cash on this becuae it's not setup correctly and keeps displaying a generic hurricaine relief site! Any help much appreciated, thanks :(
  • edited February 2006
    Its been a while since I have used Google Ads but from memory I think that it takes some time before actual ads start to show up. You get those public service announcements until then. [EDIT: I just looked at your site again and I see ads on all pages apart from the Discussions page.]
  • Ooh jeez, I only just noticed that, thanks! Anyway to get it onto the discussions page do you know? Or will it do it itself in time? Being the silly bugger I am, I thought impressions were just views anyway, but obviously not. And I don't think we've got the kind of userbase to click the links, meh :(
  • I think that once it has gathered enough information it will start to show up with ads. But I wouldn't hold your breath before you get rich on it... I have only ever clicked on these things by accident.
  • Good point, nggh. I'll give it a one week test run, cheers :) Wouldn't mind sticking at the bottom of the page though still :P Thanks again marca, you're a star.
  • I earnt a whole $1.51 in a week once. It's been stuck there ever since. I'm proud.
  • Hahaha, Google Ads are that good eh? Far better than I could of ever imagined xD
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