Q about DokuWiki, Lussumo documentation or some other wiki

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have no idea yet how big our documentation project will eventually be, but it will swallow about 200 pages or so from our own material alone. Is the DokuWiki the one I want? Or should I look for some other wiki? I would use MediaWiki but the templating engine is pretty hard to use.


  • Each one I've stumbled across, always had some little differences in how you manage everything as well as publish pages. Personally however, after using docuwiki here, it seems like the best one I've come across. However the setup is a bit crazy.
  • edited February 2006
    they all need to get redesigned .. both front and backend... but if i had to get something up tonight and be ok with running the installation for a good while I'd probably go with mediawiki or docuwiki (and my only use of docuwiki has been a really small scale) and if I had a little more time to play first the next two I'd look at playing with are http://www.pbwiki.com/ -- pbwiki (an ASP) or http://www.instiki.org -- Instiki (ruby)
  • http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiEngines
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