Stuck in Text-only Mode

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Despite having Text-only mode selected as OFF for my account on my Vanilla forum, I see everything in text only mode. I'm the only person on my site who is having this problem. It seems to be something to do with my account. Please tell me you have some ideas. It's driving me nuts! I'm using version


  • Could it be a role setting?
  • I'm looking, but it all seems right. Under "Role Abilities," Html allowed in comments is checked. Where else should I look?
  • Vanilla Staff
    In 0.9.2, text-only is a setting in the user table. When it displays the page, it looks at that value from the user table and decides if you should be seeing text-only or not. I believe the field was named "HtmlOn". You can turn on debugging information by going to debug.php off the root of your installation (don't worry, only you will be able to see the debug info). You can turn it on and then go back to a message where someone has posted some non-text stuff. Then scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will see all of the queries that were run on the page. You can look at those queries and run them on mysql to see what value is coming out of the database for HtmlOn. The wierd thing is, though, that if you see text-only mode as turned "off", then it's off. It's a boolean value: true or false; It is or it ain't. It doesn't flippantly decide to turn itself one way or the other, and that "text only mode is off" is written based on the same variable that decides if you get to see text-only or not. So, I have to ask: are you sure there are non-text things you should be seeing that you're not? And finally, are you sure that you haven't blocked the non-text-writing users with the "block user" or "block comment" options?
  • edited February 2006
    Well, let me clarify. When other people post non-text things (images, hotlinks), I can see them. When I post my own non-text things, then click "Add your comments," what I see is how it would be even if I'd clicked the Text option instead of the HTML option.

    Here's an example

    See how his looks fine, and mine doesn't? HTML is checked on my entry. And when he looks at mine from his account, the HTML works just fine.
  • I remember this happening once before absolutely ages ago. But i cant for the life of me remember why it happened. =\
  • Glad to know it isn't just me. it's driving me nuts!!
  • I have no idea what would be causing this at all either if you see text-only mode as "off" you should see things normally, but if it is off and it's displaying the raw markup, then something is obviously wrong. The only explanation for this would be if your browser for some reason isn't sending the correct post reply when you hit the Text-only mode link. If that's the case, the server is just not getting it. Also if you've edited any of the core files, double check to see that you haven't accidently killed a form field or something that controls that aspect of vanilla.
  • Vanilla Staff
    edited February 2006
    Oh. Wierd. Well, take a look at that debug info I mentioned above. You should be able to find the query that returns the comments (look for the one that limits to 30 rows). Then run that in mysql and see what it says for FormatType on your comments. It should say "Html" and it shouldn't be any different than anyone else's (ie. they should all say "Html" and not "HtML" or "HTML"). If it does say "Html", then we know that the problem takes place during the render of the screen - not when you save your comments.
  • Will do. It seems to be specific to my account, not my browser, and not my computer. I've done a few tests.
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