a slick portal system?

edited March 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Ok ... I'm looking for a portal system that's almost as cool as Vanilla. Does anyone know of any cool software ideas? For an upcoming project, my client basically wants to replicate a myspace.com.


  • myspace's system was custom made man...
  • customly horrid! that's just my observation tho.
  • Make it like facebook.
  • How did myspace get so popular? It's dreadful code, and ugly, ugly, ugly...

    so easy to totally bork, and full of lousy ads...

    Is that what people like?
  • Any community portal depends far more on the community than the portal itself. If all your friends are on myspace, you go on myspace.
  • edited December 2005
    Here's what I've found so far - http://www.phpfox.com/. It does a lot, but isn't as elegant as I'd like it. Here's a site that basically does what is needed - http://www.purevolume.com/. Does anyone have any recommendations of systems?
  • I think what you might want is drupal if you plan on forming some kind of community which allows your user their own blog and other community-type stuff.
  • drupal is great.
  • edited December 2005
    Purevolume isn't really a portal, but a full blown CMS. On a sidenote, MySpace looks like crap and never works right for me.
  • MySpace is 100% pure shit code, and running on a Windows server to boot.
  • myspace looks like crap, facebook is coded a lot better and cleaner. But the beauty of myspace is that it is pretty free form - I have seen some pretty awesome things made on it out of css/flash.
  • I have seen some cool MySpace sites, but only when they've hidden all the MySpace code and added their own, not by styling what's already there.
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