V for Vendetta

edited March 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/v_for_vendetta/trailer/ I haven't read the comic, but, um, HECK YES.


  • Please note: It's an Alan Moore adaptation. Remember those?
  • I liked both of those movies.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I didn't like V (the comic). I know my friends will tear me to pieces for saying that, but it's the truth. The best thing Alan Moore ever did was The Watchmen, and I hope they never make it a movie.
  • I thought it looked silly. The first few parts of the trailer had a cool 1984 feel to them, but then the guy with the retarded mask shows up and Natalie Portman starts talking (she is a horrible actor).

    I predict this will be one crappy movie.
  • edited March 2006
    More like V for Fucking Awesome

    Having purposefully not read the book, the movie was everything I hoped it would be.
  • The best thing Alan Moore ever did was The Watchmen, and I hope they never make it a movie.

  • I never liked V either, I got most of Moores albums, and propably the greatest are Watchmen and Moore time Mr. Miracle, and very few numbers of Moore time Supreme. League, From hell, Prometheus and Albion are all classics, but they lack something. Something you find in Kingdom Come and Planetary.
  • They're already making The Watchmen as a movie.
  • Hey, as long as they keep their hands off of Sandman, they can do whatever they want.
  • @Bergamot : agreed.
  • They're already making The Watchmen as a movie.

  • More than anything, I would love to see Alejandro Jodorowky's comics as movies, comics like Metabarons, Technopriests and Incal. Metabarons has many aspects of the original Dune movie Ajenadro was working on, and the movie had so much potential but for reasons unknown, it was never finished. But as long as they keep making Spider-man movies (with my main man Venom) and the coming Iron man movie, I'm happy. Of course it could be topped off with a movie about Dr. Strange.
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