'hide' 'block' 'show all' have stopped working

edited March 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I logged in to my admin account today and noticed that when I tried any of the options mentioned they simply didn't work. The popup box shows, OK is clicked and when the window refreshes nothing has changed.

What files are involved in these processes? I have been fiddling a lot recently and could have changed something by mistake.

I have given a user named 'test' a moderator account, password 'test'. If anyone would be so kind as to check out the problem first hand I'd be really greatful: huge-entity.com/forum


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Something is going wrong on the ajax pages, so the best way to find out what is wrong is to have the xmlhttprequest send you to the page where the request is being parsed.

    I always do this by altering the datamanager class directly. Open up js/data.js and change these lines:

    this.LoadData = function(DataSource) { var Request = this.InitiateXmlHttpRequest();

    to this:

    this.LoadData = function(DataSource) { document.location = DataSource; var Request = this.InitiateXmlHttpRequest();

    From that point forward, whenever you click any button that has ajax capabilities, it will take you to the page where that request is processed so you can see if there are any errors occurring.

    Keep in mind that any of your users will get this as well, so you will want to do it at a slow time and you will want to do it as quickly as possible. If you get any errors, post them up here and then comment that document.location line out asap:

    this.LoadData = function(DataSource) { // document.location = DataSource; var Request = this.InitiateXmlHttpRequest();
  • edited March 2006
    Thanks muchly for that... Knowing that it was the ajax that was the problem I just ftped a backup of the ajax init file. Hey presto! Options working again...

    Now I've just got to figure out how the hell theat file got messed up. I don't remeber touching it

    Thanks again
  • Does the 'show all' option for discussions use the same ajax routines? Its still not working
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited March 2006
    No, "Show all" is only supposed to remove any category and/or discussion filters you've put on the discussion list. It's meant to imply "show all discussions regardless of category". It's a simple hyperlink - the same as clicking the discussions tab.
This discussion has been closed.