After installing "Thankful People" (vers. 1 or 2) will I be able change the icon/button? [RESOLVED]

help_mehelp_me New
edited November 2016 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Running 2.2.1.

I gather that this plugin generates the icon/button shown on the download list, the "Thankful People" icon.

Will I be able to change this to a simple text button, such as "hell, yeah," "damn straight," or something similar more appropriate to our site?

Thanks very much.


  • @help_me said:
    Running 2.2.1.

    I gather that this plugin generates the icon/button shown on the download list, the "Thankful People" icon.

    Will I be able to change this to a simple text button, such as "hell, yeah," "damn straight," or something similar more appropriate to our site?

    Anything can be changed and edited or the icon removed and use text. You just need to know some code.. CSS and PHP or JS...

  • Silly post, vri was right, re-writing the code was easy.

    Sorry to clutter up the board with this.

This discussion has been closed.