Thumbnails not loading and VERY ODD URL structure

edited June 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
When I load - It will successfully generate thumbnails, however they won't display. Also if you look in the URL in the upper right corner, FIlebrowser is doing something odd to the URL's IE:


  • edited June 2006
    Hmm. I'm considering your php might be giving you HTTP_HOST incorrectly. What happens if you search in index.php for: function CurrentWebPath() { $SelfWebPath = ForceString(@$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], "").ForceString(@$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], ""); (line 528) and replace it with: function CurrentWebPath() { $SelfWebPath = "".ForceString(@$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], ""); Stabbing in the dark here but i'm pretty sure thats where filebrowser finds itself and it's obviously getting wrong information somewhere.
  • Matter of fact that made it worse!
  • What effect did it have?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Here's the easy fix:

    Open up index.php and change lines 527-532 to this:

    function CurrentWebPath() { return ''; }

    I'm 99% sure that should get it working for you...
  • Mark - You are the best!!!
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