Panel List: Visible by default...

edited July 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How would I make the Panel Lists plugin always on by default. I know somewhere it must draw a setting which defaults to false, but can't seem to find it. By "always-on" I would like users to see bookmarks/discussions/browsing history by default, and then still have the option of going into forum preferences and turning each one off. Where do I set the default value?


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Add these to your conf/settings.php file:

    $Configuration['PREFERENCE_ShowBookmarks'] = '1'; $Configuration['PREFERENCE_ShowRecentDiscussions'] = '1'; $Configuration['PREFERENCE_ShowBrowsingHistory'] = '1'; $Configuration['PREFERENCE_ShowPrivateDiscussions'] = '1';

    That should do it...
  • Ahh. You're a legend!
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