Pimped my Vanilla

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
This discussion inspired the idea of an extension to show off which extensions are currently enabled.

May I present Pimped my Vanilla

Some notes:
1. It only works for logged-in users
2. It will be expanded later to include themes, styles, and languages
3. Demo at Edacio.us/forum UN: Guest PW: guest
4. Feedback is welcome.
5. Edit: the link is inside of the "Vanilla is a product of Lussumo" box.


  • edited July 2006
    Um...What is it and what do I do?

    Edit: Nev mind...I found it. Clever!
  • Cool.
  • It'd be great if the list linked back to the appropriate page for the extension. I'm not sure how that'd work though. Good extension though and one I would use :)
  • I know a way to get that working.

    *Adds to TODO list*
  • I LOVE IT!! Cool extension Wallphone!!
  • Nice work. Good name as well ;-)
  • gigingergiginger New
    edited July 2006
    I know a way to get that working.

    *Adds to TODO list*
    Excellent stuff :)
  • In other news, I can't believe I misspelt bling. Giginger: Your request is my command. Version .6
  • I love the fast turnaround on these extensions. It's awesome.
  • It works great.
  • upon enabling the plugin and clicking the link in the sidebar, i get this error:

    Some problems were encountered The requested poll could not be found.
  • My guess is there is a conflict between this and Jazzman's Poll extension.

    Will test them together and see what needs to be fixed.
  • mark should add that on here, I am interested to see what kind of extra extensions if any he has...
  • Well, I wasn't able to reproduce the issue, but I re-wrote the code a bit to use the extensions file instead of the index. Give this a try: http://edacio.us/forum/extensions/pimped/default.txt Slightly ashamed of the code. Will have to clean it up big time some time.
This discussion has been closed.