Add a Rating

iwekiwek New
edited August 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I was wondering if discussions could be rated using the same Add a Rating thing we have to rate extensions....anything is possible but is this something that is easy to do. Also, is this the vanila forum with just comments turned off or is it something else. Sorry if this is a dumb question.


  • Discussion rating could certainly be done with an extension i imagine. The addons directory is created by mark and based on the lussumo framework, but it isnt vanilla.
  • Thanks for the reply...I think that topic or category rating should be easy to do....I wish I knew more programming
  • Hi all, I would appreciate such an extension as well. If just anyone had the time and the knowledge to create it... Since such a rating system is already in place on the extension site, maybe the author (Mark, I believe), would be able to integrate his already existing code into an extension.
  • edited July 2006
    I would love a Discussion rating extension too. Especially one that could take it to the next level… Automatically hide discussions when they hit a minimum rating and that kind of thing.
  • takai, that would be awesome! can't we just request this as a feature by saying "please, please!!!". maybe some developer or even Mark will eventually hear us... I hope
  • Hi all, since this thread is not really getting any attention, I think it should be changed to the "Add-On Requests" category. which would be really appropriate. Can someone with enough permissions do that, please?
  • I think i moved it...hpefully someone will do this soon....that would be sweet
  • well there's Poll ( but I think 'rate this comment' would be useful too
  • I would like this rating. I want to use it for a 'Reviews' category. So a thread can be rated similar shopping, download sites.
  • ok, well there is the rating thing for wordpress veiw here- , something similar for vanilla would be awesome. Its all ajaxified. Try it out ive enabled guests to use it. Maybe someone could port of it. I may try myself if all else fails, but it would good if some php guru would do it. - the link for the wp download
  • edited August 2006
    Hi all,

    I've just released my first addon : Vote 1.0
    Its simple star rating system - please add any bugs / feature requests for it on that thread.

This discussion has been closed.