Vanilla IRC channel

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey! I kinda just realized that Vanilla doesn't have an IRC channel. Most important open-source projects have IRC channels so people can talk about it, get live help, or ask questions that they feel embarrassed starting forum topics for ;).

Is anyone else interested in this? We can easily create one on freenode, where all the other opensource project channels live.

Great IRC clients include colloquy for OSX and xchat for Linux, if you were wondering. Xchat also runs on windows.

So if you're actually willing to idle in a #vanilla channel, say that here! If there is enough enthusiasm for this, i'll register #vanilla and hand operator over to mark.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited July 2006
    I have a hard enough time keeping up with the forum. If you guys want to, you're more than welcome, but I probably won't show up there just because of time constraints. Regardless, the answers are all available here - it's just a matter of patience ... for now.
  • edited July 2006
    Can I be op? :D Also, if someone were to make an IRC Client tab plugin, could it be enabled on this site?
  • Bergamot, you can indeed be op :D

    ok, so we have mark out, but me and bergamot in. Anybody else going to use it?
  • I'm in quakenet full time so i'd be in there but i dont really fancy joining a new network. I did make something which grabs updated/new threads into irc though if you're interested.
  • Minisweeper, get a multi-network client. FreeNode is the best network for open-source projects... there are a lot of official channels there to stay on.-
  • #int0rw3b on qnet is the only Vanilla support channel I'll ever need. ;-) /gives minisweeper a hug
  • IRC sounds like a good idea to me, but with a few risks: -- could segment Vanilla users and developers into pros and noobs. This could be dealt with by a live IRC tab from the Lussumo site (which would not require an IRC client) -- help and feedback on IRC wouldn't be documented like it currently is on the Lussumo Forum. We'd have to be careful for good advice not to vanish into cyberspace -- if the fast-paced discussion disappears, this forum may slow down and become a little less interesting. That would mean people visit less often. But again, an IRC tab may solve this problem partially.
  • edited August 2006
    I have a multi network client, I'm just lazy and dont like the new network boxes :P I'll sit in freenode though, just for you guys. Are we using #vanilla or something else?
    I have an excellent php/java IRC client which could be added on a tab easily enough, but i'm not sure it's an ideal situation.
  • It should be #lussumo not #vanilla.
  • im in! and yeah I agree with ADM, it should be lussumo.
  • Wow, sorry guys. I just realized I kinda left this out in the open, and unconfirmed.

    #lussumo on

    Please come and join us. It's a little lonely now, with just me and two other guys idling :(.

    If you want to get in there quickly and relatively painlessly, install the chatzilla extension and go to irc:// in firefox
  • Alternatively if you're java enabled you can use this
  • I don't like IRC anymore. I use to idle all the time on gamesurge back when I did a lot of gaming. But it is just that, idle. No one is ever there, they are always idling. And if you don't stare at the screen you'll miss something. Scrolling through the buffer is a pain in the ass. Plus I really don't need to have another app open 24-7, I've got enough of those.

    Thats just my opinion. Just don't forget to post any new advances or fixes on the forum that get discussed in the channel.
  • Don't worry Krak, I doubt there will be anything as important as bug fixes being discussed ;). If there is anything interesting, i'll be sure to keep you forum people updated :).
  • Well i'm in there, and nobody is there. I idle in other channels anyway, no reason not to add one more :) Definitely would love to have live conversations about Vanilla w/ other users!
  • Looks like the channel died? Sadness! I was so looking forward to a bit of live support chat.
  • I'm going to start idling there just to see if anyone drops in. Maybe we can get it going again.
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