Too many tabs?

edited August 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
In my quest to find just what my forum will look like when fully released, I've added some extensions that add tabs to the basic menu. I then decided to use the PageManager extension to add some pages which are also added to the tabs. Now, I have a problem with wrapping tabs in the Jazzman theme. But I also see a problem in all themes and that is that if you add enough, you will get wrapping tabs. Is there a good way to handle this? Would it be in the theme or in the core? Is there a standard way of adding tabs? Maybe the best way to handle this is to add a second tab line as I saw in another discussion. Maybe PageManager couldd be configured to either add a second line of tabs or put them in the sidepanel.


  • pbearpbear New
    edited August 2006
    If you know you're going to have a gazillion tabs, I'd go in and make a mod of the html/ul-list--menu-part in menu.php and tweak the stylesheet specifically for your theme. I find the current setup is not quite bulletproof, e.g. if I change just the text size for menu items in vanilla.css I start getting odd spacing/overlap issues.

    Edit: Or you could filter out non-forum-essential tabs (static stuff?) and put them in another area, say across the top via the Lussumo Banner extension.
  • I am working on a style that places the tabs down the sidepanel. You could get about twenty tabs before the sidepanel is pushed half way down a 1280x1024 screen.

    Only problem is you have to manually edit the CSS file to tell it how much space the tabs occupy.
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