Removing a Category from Discussion List

edited September 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I am working on a mod for Vanilla that will keep posts in selected categories from appearing in the discussions list. A useful application would be to keep posts in a category called 'Testing' or 'Recycle Bin' from appearing in recent discussions and cluttering the discusssions list.

I am wondering what people think about expanding this feature to allow users to decide which categories they don't want posts to be included from in their discussions list. Another question I have is wether or not such a mod would be likely to have broad enough appeal to make expanding it worthwhile.


  • You are aware of the 'block category' feature?
  • My bad. I'm not sure how I got this far without seeing that. :o_O

    I don't suppose since blocking is that easy, that a site-wide blocking utility would be useful.
  • edited August 2006
    There's still room for innovation, Prince.
    You could create an extension that would allow categories to be blocked by default or always blocked.
  • @dinobuff, that was what I am creating. The only real application would be for those viewing the discussion list who are not signed in. Which might be useful I suppose. It would at least keep all the garbage from being listed for public perusal by non-members.
  • Minisweeper - where abouts is the 'block category' feature?
  • Click on Categories, find the category you want to block in the list, and look just underneath the title. :)
  • edited August 2006
    Ahhh, thanks Minisweeper. By the way, how did you happen to reply so quickly. Were you just passing by or is there some way to 'watch a discussion' that alerts you when certain discussions have been updated? (Or is that presumably the intention of the 'bookmark' option?) Hmm, maybe I should read some documentation! *Edit*: I can't find documentation for this (bookmark or block category option). Is there any?
  • Quickly? That was a 13 minute response time! I'm slacking here! There are notification extensions but mark doesnt run one and I wouldnt use it for a thread like this anyway. It's not bookmarked either. I just sit on this forum my entire life reading all the threads and help out wherever i can [be bothered at the time]. I doubt there's any documentation about it cause (no offence) it's *reasonably* self explanatory. You could always add some though :)
  • :-) I remember the day when... used to do lots of chatroom support. Spent a lot of life doing that. Anyhow.. I don't think 'the result of clicking' bookmark or block category is self explanatory. Not to a new user like myself. Obviously bookmarking a discussion sticks a [bookmark] next to it, but does it do anything other than that? (I notice that Mark has a 'discussions filter' thing here which I don't have on my Vanilla installation, so that doesn't look like it is a core feature of bookmarking.) As for block category. From this discussion I figure it is a way of hiding all discussions within a category from appearing on the discussions page, but this is user selectable, not an admin feature. But I doubt if I'd have realised that, or even found it, except by chance. To me, I would have thought the opposite was more not show any items on the discussion page except for those categories I have chosen as being interested in (kinda like having all discussions blocked by default). Just some observations as a new user.
  • Discussion filters are an extension, indeed. I suppose some documentation for it wouldnt hurt. You up for writing some?
  • Mini... I actually would be up for writing some documentation, except I have a tight deadline right now (1 week) for integrating Vanilla into TextPattern. Yikes, better get back to it!
  • haha. Write some guidelines for that then! I'm sure there'd be a lot of appreciation!
  • Minisweeper: "haha. Write some guidelines for that then! I'm sure there'd be a lot of appreciation!"
  • Just to say I'm getting along fairly well with integrating Vanilla into TextPattern. My 1 week deadline is not up yet! Have to add the self-registration feature next.
  • Do a search on here for 'Textpattern Integration' for more info.
  • It can also work if u have a category for just the moderators of the forum, Is their a current way for categories to be assigned to specific roles
  • That's in the categories and roles&permissions settings pages.
This discussion has been closed.