lighter vanilla

edited September 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
how to make vanilla smaller and lighter? what should go out of the core in the next release? ;) search whispers are most likely candidates for extenions?


  • edited September 2006
    I think Mark tried to take whispers out, but there was some problem with that. EDIT: You started the discussion where he said that

    And why the heck would you want to get rid of search?
  • edited September 2006
    I would rather have whispers as an extension. Search I have no problem with, it seems like core functionality. But perhaps it would be more expandable as an extension. The only situation I could see search being removed from a forum is if it was being used for a DOS attack or something. Maybe an option to disable search would be good. I would propose removing Categories from Vanilla's core. Not everyone needs it and it would lighten things up if removed. When a tagging extension comes along some day I imagine people may want to ditch their Categories for tags anyways. The big/small input selection could be changed to an extension too. Not that it's slowing anything down.
  • Second the motion on Categories, and also the ability to edit posts.
  • Users as an extension
  • Users already are an extension really - that's the point of the people module :P Categories (i believe) is on the list of things to remove. Whispers actually slow things down too much when theyre removed and put back as an extension and theyre one of vanilla's little babies so i guess theyre staying in (you can turn them off easily enough anyway). Search i guess could be removed but i'd assume that most forums use it. Again perhaps a disable option would be best. Editing posts? Perhaps...
  • For editing post your own posts it would be enough to add a new permission. Then you could enable/disable that feature per role, which could be useful.
  • I would more likely say it is 50% on the way to being an extension. Because you can't disable it (easily anyway). ATM you pretty much have to have users and registration.
  • How do you propose to run a forum without it, though. You can remove it from vanilla and it doesnt work without it but that's hardly surprising is it.
  • Anonymous posting unless you have the user extension activated? Would probably be a lot of work though.
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