Multiple ideas

edited September 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Yes, Vanilla is quite "sexy", and I wan't to use it! :) I'm not very familiar with how to make an extension for Vanilla at the moment, I would like to know if some addon would be easy to do (for my first addons :P) for a WoW guild oriented forum: - Assign multiple categories to a discussion when starting one, for example I would have the "Farm" categorie, a "DKP" categorie, a "Priest" Categorie end use both the 3 to start a new discussion, in order for it to be accessible via any of this categories - Having sub categories, like "Strategies"> "Blackwing Lair Strategies", "Molten Core Strategies", "AQ40 Strategies" , clicking on "Strategies" would provide all the specific zone strategies, and clicking on a subcategory would provide only one zone strategy :) - Whisper to all the members of a role, for example someone "officer" or "paladin" would be whispered using not a nickname but a role name like "paladin" (an improved version would be to be able to send the whisper only to people having _both_ the "paladin" role and the "guild member" role, for example, in order to say something about a paladin in apply) - In order to have a clean forum without big image in signature, a big avatar, etc. it would be cool to have the avatar and signature in a mouseover frame (maybe in ajax in order to load on demand), letting people do what they want without having a blinking forum with animated gifs everywhere - Having custom properties in the profile to describe their wow characters (name, races, class, template, maybe stuff & dkp, etc.) and set a link to their DKP - Integrate itemstats ( ) in vanilla for having an easy to use "wow object link" methode Well I know there must be a lot of work, but I would like to know what would be easy / hard to do with the current Vanilla addon architecture :o) !


  • I don't understand this itemstats thing, just another stats (put in sidebar)?
  • ItemStat show WoW items when you mouse-over a link. I've integrated it into my WoW forums. I've gotten a few requests for this.. maybe it's time to release it :P If each day only had 48 hours.... :P
  • I've seen for the subcategories, but it's more a hack than an addon... I'll look further to make it an addon PS: I Know what you mean Jazzman... and WoW itself takes too much of my small available time
  • +1 for making it an extension
  • My itemstat extension is ready to upload, but how can I upload my file in the vanilla extension repository? =o)
  • ok, I've found what to do to upload my addon, it was just in the center of my screen ! >_< Sorry guys for this stupid question
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