Slicking up filters based on users

edited October 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I think I've seen something about this but searched on several phrases and couldn't find the relevant discussion:

Is there a way currently to list the discussions started by a particular user and/or their participated discussions?

Ideally, I would love to see this linkable list displayed in their user profile. Alternatively, create a search that joins user and their discussions and turn it into a saved search; not as desirable.

Why? Allows people in my teams/communities to focus on contributions by members of particular interest - either due to a task issue or interest in their specific contributions across a number of subjects. VERY useful.

If participated discussions were included, would be nice to have a switch that listed them 25, 50 or 100 at a time. As a fallback or additional option, listing the most recent 25 would be nice. A corollary: offer a page(s) of users alphabetized with their name that is linkable to their profile. An empty search on users lists them all but it is a bit ... time-consuming to ..... find ...... a user with a 'Z' as the first letter of their handle.


  • Well you can search for discussions they started with a simple nick: search. For participated discussions it's a little more difficult - probably worth grabbing the participated discussions extension and working from there?
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