Does Vanilla support PHP Output Control functions?

edited October 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

I use mod_gzip on my site Limundo
For Vanilla it did not work: Limundo Cafe.

Every site works great except for the forum.

I asked on another forum this question and they told me that maybe Vanilla did not support PHP Output Control Functions.

Can anybody help?
Like Mark, or someone who is using gzip with Vanilla


  • Vanilla does not support gzip, yet.

    (if i'm wrong, someone please correct me)
  • Then this is the most important thing what shoould be done on the next big update. I mean my starting page has only 35KB and Vanilla 105Kb. That is way too much. OK I will try to cut some other parts so that I come to a reasonable number. But gzip would have done the biggest part.
  • edited October 2006
    I don't see anything that would keep it from working...

    I am not sure about mod_gzip, but couldn't you get the same result by turning on PHP output buffering in an extension, then locate a delegate that fires on page unload and return the output gziped?

    ::goes to check

    It might be as simple as adding this one line to an extension:
    ob_start("ob_gzhandler");From: this page
  • You can try to change the line 32 - ob_start() - of appg/settings.php
  • I edited line 32 of appg/settings.php to:

    Seems to work fine so far. Though I havent checked everything. Perhaps ajax components may complain, i dunno.
    Needs a bunch of testign though. And i cant do that on my little local installation. A somewhat bigger forum should do that.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I could have sworn I already responded to this, but Vanilla already uses output buffering. Look at appg/settings.php.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I knew I already responded to this:
  • I believe it got posted like 3 times.
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