[Extension] Improved Sidepanel by me :D

edited November 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have made a new extension that is an improved sidepanel extension which makes it easier to integrate into the existing vanilla panel. Here's the link to it http://lussumo.com/addons/?PostBackAction=AddOn&AddOnID=215


  • I guess no one here uses sidepanel? If they did they'd notice my sidepanel looks a lot nicer than the other one. :D
  • edited November 2006
    Your description kinda confuses me, and I cant tell whats going on in your screenshot due to poor jpg compression. I use discussion filters and sidepanel. Can you explain a little bit more why I'd need/want this?
  • edited November 2006
    I wish the screenshot system was a little better, here's a link to a better screenshot that compares the two. Mine is the one in the yellow box and the one in the red box is the other sidepanel.

  • it says Forbidden
  • I just changed the file permissions, does it still say forbidden?
  • edited November 2006
    ahhh i see, i see. (loads fine for me)

    hentai, eh?
  • I can't see it either. Sorry.
  • enter the address in the address bar instead of following the link, it's a refferer problem I think.
  • sorry about that.. don't know why it's doing that.. and yes i have an empty hentai section on my site lol. It's only going to be for reviews and info, no actual content on the site, im not in the porn business. :p
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