Wordpress Integration - "Remember Me" causes login to fail

edited February 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I've been very successful integrating Vanilla with Wordpress (thanks Mark!) but there remains a small problem. I am using Vanilla's login system as the only login system for the entire site. When I try logging in on the Vanilla form -without- the "remember me" box checked, it works perfectly. However, if the box is checked when I sign in, the login fails and I am redirected to the primary forum page. If I try logging in through the Wordpress login system, the "remember me" function works. Does the Wordpress integration cover changing Vanilla's "remember me" function to call Wordpress' "remember me" function? If not, how would I go about doing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! - Matt


  • Also just noticed that the default role assigned to users who register through vanilla is "administrator" haha. I know this should be fixed in the WordpressAuthenticator that Mark wrote, but I can't figure out which line.
  • edited January 2007
    Look about 4/10ths the way down the guide:
    One thing to take note of is the second line of my query: ADD `RoleID` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '3', Notice that I gave it a default of 3? That is because the “member” RoleID in Vanilla is 3. This will make it so that new users added by the wordpress “create a new user” form will automatically be added to the member role on the forum. Also notice that I’ve made any field that doesn’t accept NULL have a default value. This way regular user operations in Wordpress won’t break because of Vanilla restrictions.
  • I had that in there, but new users were being lsited as administrators in the WordPress users tab. Even weirder: when I tried replicating the conditions by making new users they were not listed as administrators. I may just switch to WordPress' login system handling everything if I can't fix this soon.
  • I have the same problem.
    I think it might be something about the line
    $Expire = $PersistentSession ? 31536000 : 0;
  • I am having the same issue, anyone figure this out?
  • Hi people, might I know what version of WordPress are you guys using? I tried it with WP 2.1 yesterday and it failed. Could not login to Vanilla after doing the integration.
  • New
    edited January 2007
    I realised this was happening for me too with WP integration. Here is my suggested fix:

    Load up yourforum\themes\people_signin_form_nopostback.php

    Replace the remember me HTML list item with this (taken from WP form):

    <li id="RememberMe"> <input name="rememberme" type="hidden" id="rememberme" value="forever" /> </li>

    This will hide the box and always remember the person.
  • Would I be correct to assume that these are not WordPress 2.1 installations? :)
  • here's the fix to the remember me bug
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