Applicant Approval Settings--email

edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I would like to have an Applicant's email address displayed, prior to approval. This will help me in determining who should be approved or not. Right now, I have to approve each member *first* before I can see his/her email address. How do I change this?


  • hey! I'd like that too! also, how do I add that nice little additional field "Why do you want to join our forums" thing? Just like they have here... Any easy way to add it?
  • edited January 2007
    for warr: I'm afraid i cant think off the top of my head how to fulfil the email request but it shouldnt be too difficult...
  • Thanks! With the Discovery, at least there is additional info to make that decision... :)
  • @Minisweeper- Can you give me some idea of how this could be done? Isn't there a setting that controls what information is displayed (to admin) about Applicants?
  • A rather clunky way is to use the "Change Personal Information" link off to the left. I am having issues at the moment because my email addresses do not display at all - even when I'm logged in as an admin. All I get is n/a. The only way I can view them is if I use the "Change personal information" link.
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