
edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How do you un-sink a discussion? I accidentally Sank it... Mic


  • Simple, click on Unsink this discussion.

    Posted: Sunday, 11 February 2007 at 3:58PM (AEDT)

  • I looked for "Unsink this discussion" but I do not see it anywhere. Where should it be? Mic
  • Same place sink this discussion was, left panel.

    Posted: Sunday, 11 February 2007 at 6:15PM (AEDT)

  • what exactly does the sink function do... just move it to the bottom? yeah, I'm brilliant.
  • it stops new posts moving it to the top.
  • I'm trying to unsink a sunk discussion, too. The left nav only says "sink this discussion." No unsink listed. :/
  • I just went BACK to the sunk discussion, clicked "Sink this discussion" again, THEN the "unsink" link showed up. Clicked that link, it processed a bit...bit did NOT unsink. It's still way down the list below many things with no recent activity (even though it was just recently posted to).
  • Maybe you need to post something to it to make the sunker pop back up...

    This is probably a bug, I agree a unsunk discussion should jump back to wherever it should live based on the most recent comment.
  • WallPhone, that did work when someone else posted. Thanks. Still odd that the "unsink" link did NOT show up until AFTER I forced it to sink again.
  • Ah--Two bugs then: 1. A discussion remains in its sunk position once its unsunk, at least until someone posts to it. 2. A sunk discussion does not show the unsink option unless you re-sink it.
  • I'd say 1. is a feature and the correct behaviour. 2. sounds like a bug though ;)
This discussion has been closed.