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Bug? Editing a post messes up 'last comment by'

edited February 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
i am the admin of my board and one other user has editing priveliges, under a 'Moderator' role title.

he edited a post today to fix a link with a broken < br /> and then the discussion list said the last comment was by him - even though he had not posted anything. why is this?

edited to say: it's more complex than i thought. he replied to the post, then deleted his reply, but 'last comment by' was still set to his username.


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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    What version of Vanilla?
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    In most recent Vanilla I remember seeing the 'last comment' not updating when the post was deleted.
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Just tested that and it works fine on here.
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    it is... 1.0.1
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    edited February 2007
    I just noticed a similar thing at my board. After I answered a whisper with a whisper on a visible discussion, the 'last comment by' does not update. The user name does not fit to the last visible comment, but to the last but one whisper. Version 1.0.3.
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