[New style] Europe After The Rain 1.0

edited February 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi folks.

I'm currently working on a project involving Vanilla and a dark style, and since I've finished everything related to the forum, I thought I could share my work with the community.

So here comes Europe After The Rain. It's dark, with no color at all. Just plain old grey, austere and gloomy stuff. I hope it will fit your mood.

Feedback is welcome.


  • It seems to work well with all my funky extensions I've installed locally for testing and the ones I have in development. It's sort of a darker shade of pale. Good work.
  • edited February 2007
    Glad you like it :)

    I'm not sure it will be very readable on an old screen with a low brightness and a poor contrast, but I've tried on four different computers and it looked ok. I didn't test it with a lot of extensions though. Some of them may need a bit of re-styling. If somebody wants a specific extension support, I'd be glad to add it on request in this discussion.
  • edited February 2007
    I did find 1 problem. The GuestWelcome add-on the title doesn't show.
  • I posted a comment here a few hours back but it's disappeared :/ Anyway, I said that the attachments box is a little bright for this theme as it's a light grey.
  • thats pretty hot
  • Judging from the tiny little screenshot, it looks nice indeed!
  • Thanks for the feedback guys :)

    I'll try to fix this tonight. Stash, are you talking about the Attachments extension? I'm a bit confused here (and the fact your comment disappeared is also pretty weird, it isn't the first time I hear about this issue).
  • It seems I'm having a problem having my comments stay. I just made this my live forum's style. It looks good and the GuestWelcome add-on works fine.
  • Ø, yes, it's the extension I'm talking about. Obviously this isn't your fault, but you said to say if things looked out of place ;) Is it possible to override the default Attachment styles using !important in your stylesheet?
  • Sure, it should be possible, I'll give it a try.

    So in fact the browse button needs styling, the delete button should be darker, and the input box for the file name would look better without borders. Is that what you were thinking?
  • No, but that's a damn good idea :D

    I'm talking about the light grey box that does around the attachments when you've actually attached them to a post and then view the page.
  • Ok, now I understand... I had forgotten I modified my version of Attachments to hide the attached file list XD
    Gonna fix that.
  • edited February 2007
    The attachments' box is now fine, but I found no way to change the input box & browse button. For some reason I was able to change input box's border color, but not its size, and it seems the default fake 3D border stays visible whatever I do. It simply refuses to disappear, no matter what kind of {border: 0px} or {border-style: hidden} I try to apply.

    I had a look at the code and I could hack the extension of course, but what would be the point? If somebody has a clue... I'm no CSS expert.

    I'll try to fix a couple more things and upload a new version this weekend.
  • Have you tried slightly different colors for the Legend items (new comments, whispers, etc)?
  • The problem is the concept I decided to stick with from the beginning is "grey, grey and only grey" so I won't use any other color than greyish variations. However, if you think new comments & whispers aren't visible enough (and you're probably right since I mainly tested this on a TFT screen) I'll try to add more contrast for the next version, or maybe a little logo, something like that.
  • great...i really, really like it This will be the next style for my forum
  • edited February 2007
    Hi folks, new version uploaded. I've fixed a few things but there's still room for improvement.

    - fixed white on light grey text in some extensions settings forms
    - fixed the AccountPictures bug (just had to remove a stupid #)
    - better styling for stuff related to the .Legend class
    - better styling for Attachments
    - better styling for Latest Discussion Prime
  • Thanks. I'll download now and put it on my live forum.
This discussion has been closed.