Rename Vanilla folder for easy reference

edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Can someone please explain how I can install the Vanilla folder into something other than and still have it work? I want it to be more directory specific like this one: Please advise.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Before you run the install just name the folder whatever you want it to be. Then run the install and Vanilla will know exactly what to do.
  • sweet! Thanks :-)
  • Quote: Mark
    pic Before you run the install just name the folder whatever you want it to be. Then run the install and Vanilla will know exactly what to do. pic
    So is the installer smart enough to recognise an existing installation with a changed name and update the setting in all of the configuration files and database? pic

    Posted: Friday, 9 March 2007 at 11:45AM (AEDT)

  • Hey Mark - I tried to techique listed above (completely recreated my database and tried this several times) but still get this message: "We came across some problems while setting up Vanilla... We couldn't connect to the server you provided (localhost). The database responded with the following message: Access denied for user 'myusername'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" I did NOT have this problem when I left the folder name to "Vanilla-1.1.1 Can this be corrected? Please advise...
  • I was able to create a new folder called "forum" on another server with no problem, but there's something about trying to reinstall Vanilla (after removing it from the same server) that doesn't allow me to re-install it. Any thoughts on this?
  • All the settings files are still pointing to the old folder, you need a list of what they are called and where they are, then go in with a text editor and change the old folder name wherever you see it.

    There are some references in the database too I believe.

    Can someone give doko a definitive list?

    Here's a couple I found just now...
    - conf/settings.php
    - themes/...styles, CSS

    Posted: Friday, 9 March 2007 at 2:40PM (AEDT)

  • I'm happy to be able to delete everything and just start from scratch - but this does not appear to be possible - can anyone tell me why?
  • This happened to me when I first started with Vanilla.
    Did you delete the old database?
    Did you completely delete the old Vanilla install?

    Posted: Friday, 9 March 2007 at 5:04PM (AEDT)

  • Are you using a password for the database? there was an issue with with the password field left empty.
  • Yes - I completely deleted ALL Vanilla files and folder (numerous times) as well as the databases and tried to reinstall - with no luck :-|
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    There's no reason why changing the folder name should break anything to do with the database if you are doing a fresh install.

    Create a test db connection script and use the same values to connect to the db as you did in Vanilla's install script - to make sure that your db hasn't changed in some way. Doing basic connection tests with mysql is pretty easy. Create a new blank text file called mysqltest.php and put this inside:

    <?php // Turn on all errors error_reporting(E_ALL); // Customize your database connection $Host = "Your MySQL Host Name"; $User = "Your MySQL Username"; $Password = "Your MySQL Password"; $Database = "Your MySQL database name"; // Open a database connection (you may see some errors here) $Connection = mysql_connect($Host, $User, $Password); // Attempt to select your database if ($Connection && !mysql_select_db($Database, $Connection)) echo("Failed to connect to the '".$Database."' database."); ?>

    Give that a go and see what happens.
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