Mini's goin away!

edited May 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just to give you guys a heads up I'm away for the next 5 weeks so dont get too worried if I'm not around all the time...
Catch you when I get back. Dont do anything too exciting without me!


  • edited April 2007
    Have a nice time... doing your... stuff... Where do you go? not something unpleasant, like going in jail?
  • lol mini away from the forum for 5 weeks loooooooooooool. April Joke eh?
  • I'm headin down under to New Zealand :)
  • Down under? i thought that that place was in my backyard, Australia?
  • Yes, technically he's going "down" but not "under"! pic

    Posted: Monday, 2 April 2007 at 12:14PM

  • I'm thinkin of visitin the kiwis for schoolies...
  • Hi Guys!
    As most of you will have noticed I am indeed now back on line...i spent the past two days flicking through the 18 pages of discussions i missed out on while i was away and picked up a couple of interest. Sorry if I missed anything major or ignored anything but i got steadily less enthusiastic as time went on and a lot of comments blurred into one.
    In any case it seems like you guys coped fine without me so I'm gonna head to the US for a month...

    Only kidding, unfortunately, I'll probably be kickin around as per until further notice and hopefully I'll be back up to speed soon.

    For anyone who's interested, i had a fucking awesome time and pics/notes will probably be online as soon as I find the energy to organise them and put something together...
  • minicomeback?
  • Down under? more like down and over :) hope you had fun and welcome back :)
  • glad you had a great trip.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    We will need pictures.
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