The basics tutorial

edited April 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there any chance these could be stuck on youtube (or similar) so that I can embed them directly into my FAQ ?


  • edited April 2007
    Do you mean like this?
  • Mr Do, That's what I want to do but with the feature tours that Mark has put togehter <a href="">here</a> which currently aren't on you tube (that I can find). So I guess what I'm asking really is Mark could you put these on youtube so we can all use them.
  • anyone can post videos on youtube why do u need mark to do it
  • I would be happy to stick them up but ... a) the screencasts are his content b) I don't have the underlying files for them and don't know how to rip them from the flash movie.
  • cause mark owns the videos I assume.
  • that's about the size of it
  • why not just upload the flv?
  • Why not just view them from the site. Why do they need to be on YouTube?
  • I think it's because YouTube provides a convenient embed link?

    Posted: Thursday, 5 April 2007 at 10:19AM

  • as he said, he wants to embed them
  • Like wanderer says "YouTube provides a convenient embed link" Its like this, the Screencasts are really good quality not just in terms of video but also the coverage of key functionality and Matt's presentation style. In short they are a really good advert for the ease of use of vanilla (The main reason it's my forum of choice over phpBB and BBpress). The forum I'm putting together is aimed at the general public (first tme forum user) not the tech savvy and as such I want to provide as much help as possible. Matt's screencasts are the perfect way to to this (i guess that why he did them in the first place) and in my opinion youtube is the perfect way to distribute them, to create some buzz about vanilla and build the community.
  • Drop Mark an Whisper and ask for the original videos.
    If u do get access to the original videos, let us know
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I have no problem putting them up on youtube, I just don't know how... Can you upload a flash video to youtube? I doubt it...
  • so u went from screencapture to flash. no intermediate format
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited April 2007
    The program I used had an intermediate format, but I lost the files when my system crashed a few months ago... If someone wants to convert them to an uploadable format and get them to me, I'll put them on my youtube account and allow anyone to link/use them...
  • OK, Thanks Mark I'll see if I can find something to rip the swf's to mpg or similar. FYI, youtube accepts ( .wmv, .mov, .mpg, or .avi )
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