E-Mail Disable

edited July 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there a way to DISABLE the e-mailing system entirely in the Vanilla system? What I am wanting is that when users sign up, they do NOT have to be "approved" for anything, and also e-mailing is completely disabled throughout the entire system. Lemme know something, because I have tried so many different was of doing this, but have no solution yet, and before I set up my initial boards and themes, I want to make sure its working first. I DO NOT use a mail server, and do not wish to. I just want a simple system so my users can post, view, message, etc... without having to have authentication or e-mails sent back and forth. Thank you, David


  • You could just put invalid smtp details in. You'd get errors bounced to the screen when it was trying to email for whatever reason though. How dirty are you willing to get code wise? I guess you could just open up Framework.Class.Email.php, locate this line: function Send($FatalError = 1) { and after it put a new line in containing simply: exit; though I'm not sure if that terminates whatever script called the function too... Alternatively you could locate this line slightly further down: if (!@mail($To, $this->Subject, $Message, $Header) && $this->FatalError) $this->Context->ErrorManager->AddError($this->Context, $this->Name, "Send", "An error occurred while sending the email.", $php_errormsg); and just comment it out as such: //if (!@mail($To, $this->Subject, $Message, $Header) && $this->FatalError) $this->Context->ErrorManager->AddError($this->Context, $this->Name, "Send", "An error occurred while sending the email.", $php_errormsg); I think that would be the safest and most effective method...
  • I would like to just disable the member signup auth. system alltogether, just so a member can sign up for an account, get in, and go. nothing complicated or using e-mails, ect ...
  • so change the applicant role to member..?
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