Free form (for event registration - member access only)

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I'm looking for an add on allowing members of my vanilla forum to registrer to the events we are organizing. From a technical point of view, I need following information : - identification of the member that does the registration (can be an Id Nr like in Invite-Only System Add-on) - last name and first name of the person to registrer - date and time of the event (from a list of value - can be in the index.php file of the add on) I need a way to reset values after the event (but I can do that directy in SQL if no other solution) I would also see a page showing, per date and time (of an event), the list of the registrer persons Has someboby work on something like that ? Many thanks in advance. Klod


  • Wow, I think that would be awsome, i'd really like to use an Add-on like this too. wayne
  • edited July 2007
    I'd a look at Poll 1.3 and this could be a base for building something... [...] I'm not a SQL specialist, but there are 4 tables, and I think that all the information are stored to present a result sheet with the name of the user and the vote he made, per poll. What do you think about that ?
  • edited July 2007
    For being able to vote on Poll 1.3, you must at least have the right to add comments. A specific right would have been a good idea... :) For my registration, I would like to allow guests having an account (even if they cannot see a large part of the forum, nor post someting on it) to register.
  • Why not use Page Manager to create a tab with the registration form on it?

    You could then put this code at the very top of the page (before the HTML) which will send them elsewhere if they are not logged in...

    <?php if ($this->Context->Session->UserID == 0) { $URL=""; header ("Location: $URL"); } ?>

    Note that "elsewhere" is another Page Manager page telling them they need to be signed in (and therefore a member) to proceed.

    Posted: Tuesday, 17 July 2007 at 12:56PM

  • Yes, why not using Page Manager. I will have a look but I understand that I need to build the form and the SQL table all by myself. I'm an absolute beginner in SQL... Poll 1.3 is not far from what I would like to see, so I will also have a look on such a solution. I will take all other ideas.
  • Hi, a short test with that extension, and a problem that I also have with another extension (ie Nugget) : Warning: unlink(./extensions/PageMng/CustomPages.php) [function.unlink]: Permission denied in ...\extensions\PageMng\default.php on line 121 PAGEMANAGER ERROR: An error occured in attempting to save your tabs. Please check that your file permissions are correct and verify that PageManager::CustomPageFile (./extensions/PageMng/CustomPages.php) is a valid file name. Indeed, the file where Vanilla is willing to write is always empty (even if I put some blank lines before, everything is cancelled, and the file has 0 ko) All the files have read and write access, so that should not be the point. My server is running with ZMWS under Windows 98...
  • Windows 98? Ouch. Any reason why?
  • Because I had an old computer in a corner :) But it's running fine since 2 years... I think that there is a UNLINK problem and perhaps also a problem with 0 ko files (more a Windows problem in that case)
  • It's definitely some sort of file permissions issue..i assume the zmws server is running under an admin account? I cant even remember how to control file permissions in '98..
  • There are permissions in 98?! :D
  • The point is that in some cases, I have no permission problems, and in other, I have some...
  • Has anyone found a good Event Registration solution? I am working with a non-profit organization, and to pay the $ per person registration fee on some of the sites just sucks. I had been looking around a found that there was an extension in drupal to do this, which I have installed ona demo site, has anyone here come up with anything?
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