New House, New internet connection

KrakKrak New
edited August 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Download Speed: 18921 kbps (2365.1 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 12547 kbps (1568.4 KB/sec transfer rate) Oh yes. We get 20Mbps/20Mbps (fiber, FTTP) but I am pretty sure the router can't handle it so this is the best its gonna be till I get a new one. Took me a few hours of tweaking. Ended up going with Tomato instead of DD-WRT (what I had been using forever). Cool place, newer house, bigger, cheaper, renting to own, and came with a pool table and high efficiency wahser/dryer. Worst move in my life. But the new bandwidth is nice :)


  • I hate you. Actually I dont mind that theory I get 20meg down and 768k up...i usually see an absolute max of about 16meg down and 768k up...meh. I could just go to work where I have 100 each way :D The house sounds cool though. Where do you liv?
  • omg nice. i'm stuck with 3mbit down and up... mh... let's not mention that :D
  • So, where on our lovely planet are you located?
  • Definitely jealous of those speeds, I suppose latencies are in line with the speeds as well *sigh*.

    Sounds like the worst move in your life will all be worth it :)
  • Lincoln, Ca, USA. Greater Sacramento area. Surewest is the provider. The funny thing, we had our old internet (6m/384k) and tv (not digital) via Comcast and phone from Surewest. When we moved we got everything from Surewest. So blazing fast fiber, pure digital tv (sound and picture are 50x better!) and the same ol phone. - for cheaper than what we paid all together at the old place. Yes, worst move of my life but it is all worth it. Everything is just better all around. My daughters school is also directly behind the house too. I have not come into any downsides for maybe except as 20 min longer commute. I can live with that.
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