New Forum Style - Guild

edited June 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey everyone. It's been a long time. I posted here years ago during my senior thesis in design school when I used the software to make a little discussion site for our department. It was the best software then, and it still seems to be the best today.

Because I'm a warcraft nerd, I couldn't help myself, and I'm working on a Style for my guild, but I plan on making it a generic style for download if all goes well.

Check it out here.

Screen shot of when logged-in.

One question I would love help with. I'm seeing member role descriptions not only appear in their profile pages where they're supposed to, but it also appears under their names in the comments they make.

Not sure what the cause is (I know no php, only css). Any suggestions?


  • You could hide it via CSS with this:.CommentNotice { display:none; }

    or remove it from the HTML by commenting out (add // at the beginning of the line) this in /themes/comments.php:if ($Comment->AuthRoleDesc != '') $CommentList .= '<div class="CommentNotice">'.$Comment->AuthRoleDesc.'</div>';
  • Thank you Wallphone, the CSS fix worked great.
This discussion has been closed.