LECH! (again)

edited August 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Any chance you could add some scrollbar stuff to your css? Its a really nice sheet till someone overflows their box and you get this ugly standard scrollbar?


  • err, huh? what do you mean? I know I added scrolling for large code blocks, but other then that I didn't do anything to extravegant... what's going on?
  • when someone overflows the box you have overflow:scroll set, yes? In which case i want the scroll bar to look pretty!
  • i.e. http://www.lussumo.com/munity/comments.php?DiscussionID=750&page=1#Item_32
  • something like the following: BODY { scrollbar-face-color: #CC3300; scrollbar-highlight-color: #0033FF; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #33FF00; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #3399FF; scrollbar-shadow-color: #00FF00; scrollbar-arrow-color: #FFCC00; scrollbar-track-color: #FF9900; } colors chosen randomly. xD
  • @mini: Odd, I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary in that thread as to what you may be describing. Any chance you can get me a screenshot example along browser/os this looks messed up in? If you're referring to the horizontal scrollbars, then yeah, I should probably fix that to wrap instead of scroll across. The reason I did that was to not let content flow into and across the sidebar thus containing spills. If that's the case I suppose I should whip up a quick fix, however you probably won't see it here until mark gets back from his trip. @graste: I don't think mini is referring to that, plus I don't want to use nor care for proprietary IE scrollbar stuff, it's rather gimpy and looks like ass under XP's default theme. Sorry, but feel free to add it yourself.
  • um. Well i'm running 1024x768 so if youre on higher you might not be getting the scrollbars. Using ff1.03 i think on XP and yeah i was reffering to the horizontal scrollbars which are part of the comment when people type too much sideways. Wrap is a fine alternative but if you're gonna scroll i was just saying i wanted a nice looking scrollbar not the default FF/XP thing. Meh.
  • I guess I should really take in the low-res crowd into account when creating these themes. Playing in 1600x1200 makes me forget as my browser window is currently running in 1400x1170 :| (nyah nyah! I'll go blind before you do!) :P Anyway... I'll try to clear that up if I can for regular text posts and see if I can get things to bend to my will while still staying in the comment region. I should have a fix once I wind down after this weekend, so meanwhile, just bare with it. Or if you like, feel free to help me out with a fix if I don't get to it first :D
  • as always, thanks for the feedback, mini! I'm glad someone else out there is helping me find CSS bugs :)
  • haha, i dont really consider it a bug, more just an irritation. And yeah, i'd love to be running 1600x1200 but i havent got round to buying myself that 30" mac screen yet... :P
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