Changing society
While downloading the latest patch for World of Warcraft, I stroll around the news sites and gather around the happenings wround the world and here in Finland jsut to form a while image on what has happened lately, I'm not a media person, I block good 90% of the madia babble and usually narrow the hose that feeds me with news to a fine pointed needle that can barely sqeeze through the much appreciated gaming and technology related news.
But during my stroll I nod approvingly to news that tell about someones achievements on some sort of socially accepted thing, and at the same time I realize that most of these people are some sort of millionaires, company execs or just plain jerks in high positions of goverment. Gone are the times when we looked up to the athletes to bring us hope of the better tomorrow, they are almost regular joes these days, just few hoorays for some hero who can drive a car faster than anyone else, or celebration to a team that accomplishes impossible goals in a winter related sport mainly called Ice Hockey.
Our society is growing out of testosteroine filled athletes that risk more than just their earthly posessions in some stock market fluke, but we don't give you the kudos on achievement, we give kudos to the results of that achievement, it isn't enough anymore to be the fastest runner in the world, when you win, it has to be something so big that the world has changed, or atleast some way for others to do money from your accomplishment.
Is this a good thing? Or is it a bad thing? Do you celebrate the victory of your favourite basketball team? Or do you chuckle when some mega communications company invets a new free software for you to use?
Computers and communications technology has changed the world forever and there is nothing any of us can do about it.
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