cookie problem

thirethire New
edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I subscribed to where they use vanilla and the cookies (remember me) does not work. It's annoying to log in every time again...


  • That's technically their problem, while it can be rectified (in most cases) on this version, it should be fixed for sure on the next version, which will hopefully be out in a couple of weeks, fingers crossed. In the meantime, if you can suggest to the admins of that board that they change their cookie domain to (with the preceeding . ) it might just fix it for you. :)
  • /me reinforces what mini just said.
  • I have this problem as well.. theres a big issue for me as I run two instances of vanilla on the same domain. For example say I have one board which is at: and I have another board which is at: What do I put for the cookie domains? I currently have for the first one and for the second one and my users have problems.
  • i dont see why that should cause any problems assuming that your users arent just using to browse to one or the other. is the recommended way to do it and (as far as i'm aware judging by comments on here) works for most people. Only suggestion i can think of is to set the preceeding . again but i really doubt that'd help as theyre not using eg. Give it a go - if it doesnt work i think waiting for the next version is probably the best thing you can do. My suggestion is really a temporary fix and not a permanant measure as there are known issues with cookies and vanilla. You're the second person on this board to own :|
  • "You're the second person on this board to own :|" hehe :) If I put for the first one and for the second one would they clash? Because I know having it set as would only work if they go to that url and not just
  • i'm pretty sure that would cause a clash yeah as is basically
  • Yeah thought so :) I'll just wait patiently for the next version of vanilla I think :)
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