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Install Problem

edited October 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I'm trying to install the latest version of Vanilla 2 on my server. I uploaded all of the code and went to the directory and get the follow message:
Smarty::include(/cache/Smarty/compile/%%BB^BBE^BBEFFE3C%%default.master.tpl.php) [function.Smarty-include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Any ideas?


  • lucluc ✭✭
    If you already made sure that cache directory is writable by your php user (most likely, it's also your web user server), then create manually the directories Smarty and compile in cache.

    I have to do it on some installations while it works fine in others.
  • That helped some. Now I am getting a 404 Not Found error when it tries to load I'm assuming it's trying to do the install (goes to /index.php/garden/gardensetup).

  • I just noticed I get a 404 Not Found no matter what page I try to go to.

    Any ideas? Thanks.
  • Also, just to note: I'm sure that .htaccess is working. I'm also running PHP 5.
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    What os/web server are you running on?
  • It's Linux from GoDaddy. It's running PHP 5.2.5, and MySQL 5.

    Also, if it matters, I am trying to install this in a subfolder (though it shouldn't matter). No other .htaccess files should be conflicting with it either.
  • I just did yet another fresh reinstall and got the same results. Here are the steps I've taken so far:
    1) Download from Github (I've downloaded both zip and tarball, doesn't matter)
    2) Upload all of the files
    3) Change the permissions to 777 for everything in cache, conf, upload (and the folders itself)
    4) Created /cache/Smarty/compile folder.

    After that, I get the 404 error on every page and it constantly tries to redirect to /index.php/garden/gardensetup

  • Are you installing on a subdomain, or sub directory by any chance?
  • On a sub directory.

    It's going into a folder at /folder/forums/
  • I couldn't get it installed in a sub dir either. Even with (in my case) nginx with fixed rewrites, and fixed pathinfo. Worked fine in the webserver root, or under a subdomain though.
  • I set it up on a subdomain and it's still getting the same exact result. =(
  • Is there a way I can see exactly what file it's actually trying to look at?
  • I messed with the .htaccess file, just to make sure it is actually doing redirects and I've confirmed it has, so it doesn't seem to be that it isn't working. I'm not sure whether it is doing what it is supposed to do or not yet. It'd help if I could figure out exactly what URL it is trying to find when it gives the 404 error.
  • I'd also like to reiterate that I have never actually made it to the install, it gives me a 404 error when it tries to redirect to /index.php/garden/gardensetup

  • edited October 2009
    @samanime can you post the exact url it's trying to redirect to?
  • Any other ideas? If Todd or someone would like to play around on my server and see if they can figure out what the deal is, I'd be willing to set up a temporary FTP for that purpose.

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    @samanime I would be willing to do that, but I want to make sure I won't kill any of your data. Can you send me PM?
  • hi i'm having this problem now, how was this issue fixed?!
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    edited October 2009
    @gumbygirl11283 Are you using the latest Github code?
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