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Notifi-extension: can't get rid of notification to customize settings on top of each page

edited October 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
installed Notifi and like it a lot, apart from one thing: being logged in as admin a (non-localized) notification banner is displayed across the top of each discussion page reminding me to customize the add-on's settings. Besides there is a (localilzed) link entitled with something like "Remove this notification".
No matter how often I click on the "customize settings" or the "Remove notification" links, it never goes away. Is there some place to disable / remove that banner?



  • That's strange. Which version of Vanilla are you using?
  • edited October 2009
    >> That's strange. Which version of Vanilla are you using?

    Vanilla 1.1.9

    [edit]Even stranger though: just to be sure I just clicked the "remove notification" link once again, for about the 10th time. And hey! All of a sudden the message is gone... So for now this appears to be solved[/edit]
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