Is there a Vanilla CVS tree or something similar?

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
We keep hearing about cool features that have already been rolled into of the next revision on the ChangeLog and Bug Tracking pages. Is there some way for people with non-mission-critical forums (mine, for instance) to install an unstable current version? Mark seems like a very busy person and the next rev. may not be out for a while; access to the stuff that's already finished would keep most people quiet in the meantime.


  • No. Not as yet. I proposed the same thing a little while ago. Check it out there.
  • Yeah I saw that, but it never said if one had actually been created.
  • It's not being created until v1 is out as far as i can tell from numerous discussions. At the point of v1 release (shortly after the next version, guestimate a month but we never know with mark) i understand he's gonna decide for sure whether he wants to let his baby go (in terms of development) and set up a cvs/svn system. Untill then i think mark has set plans for his programming and it would be nonsensicle to release it for multi user development. And even as a single user nightly-build type thing...well that'd take time out from his work and delay the release even further :P What's more. This way he has us in suspense. :P
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Suspense is good :) I am in talks with a client to do some work on Vanilla that will make it possible to have the user authentication separated from vanilla a little bit (making things like integrating vanilla with an existing login system a lot easier). In order to accomplish this, I will need to rush the development of Vanilla 0.9.3. Further to that point, the client's deadline is very short (mid-November from what I understand at this point), so it looks like the next rev will happen right around when I was predicting. As for CVS/SVN, yes, I am still planning on doing this. I want to wait until the next rev comes out, and then I want to get it going so that any minor bugs that arise can be dealt with quicker and we can have shorter breaks between minor revisions. Again, I apologize for my lack of prescence on here lately. I'm flying all over the gaff for work and weddings and whatnot. Trying to just keep my head on straight.
  • *holds marks neck still *massages
  • Don't work too hard! A missed release date for FREE software is not the end of the world (well, it could be, but no-one can complain). Have a NICE rest at some point.
  • I am patient as can be :D
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