Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.
Check for logged in inside views/master.tpl
It appears to be undocumented, but is there a simple way to check for whether the user is logged in inside default.master.tpl or other views?
And then you can check for an active session with:
The only thing I had to change was in the session config file, I had to change the $config['validate'] setting to 'expiration' though I'm still trying to iron out a bit better way, as I prefer the session validating to use 'user_agent'.
But doing this, I've been able to let Vanilla do its thing and I can even have two different databases--one for my app, and one for Vanilla--and it works like a charm.
Now I can continue to do everything I want with Kohana's brilliance and share it seamlessly with V2's brilliance.
Altogether a much better experience than V1.
Nice work, Mark!