Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.
Vanilla 2 - Installation error
I tries to install Garden/Vanilla 2 and received the following error:
Fatal Error in PHP.ErrorHandler();
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
The error occurred on or near: /customers/
404: }405: 406: // Include all of the paths.407: $PluginInfo = array();408: foreach($Paths as $Path) {409: if(file_exists($Path))410: include($Path);411: }412: Backtrace:
[/customers/] PHP::include();[/customers/] PHP::ErrorHandler();[/customers/] Gdn_PluginManager->IncludePlugins();[/customers/] PHP::require_once();Variables in local scope:
[EnabledPlugins] array (
'HTMLPurifier' => 'HtmlPurifier',
)[Paths] NULL[PluginFolder] 'HtmlPurifier'[PluginName] 'HTMLPurifier'[PluginInfo] array (
)Need Help?
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Additional information for support personnel:
Application: Garden
Application Version: 1.0
PHP Version: 5.2.10
Operating System: Linux
Anyone debug it?
I did install it on some of my servers either using apache2 with mod_php or nginx/php-cgi without issues (once configuration file for nginx has been created (for the rewrite rules))
Mr. Bean could you please specify which prerequisite you think is not satsified.
If not this looks like a response: it works for me , so it works for everyone.
I can't say the requirements are met or not, because that's the job of the person installing it to find out, otherwise create a forum on, this way server issues will not be for you to deal with.
The basic thing to provide is the phpinfo from the server you're using.