Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.

Vanilla 2 - Installation error

edited October 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I tries to install Garden/Vanilla 2 and received the following error:

Fatal Error in PHP.ErrorHandler(); Invalid argument supplied for foreach() The error occurred on or near: /customers/ 404: }405: 406: // Include all of the paths.407: $PluginInfo = array();408: foreach($Paths as $Path) {409: if(file_exists($Path))410: include($Path);411: }412: Backtrace: [/customers/] PHP::include();[/customers/] PHP::ErrorHandler();[/customers/] Gdn_PluginManager->IncludePlugins();[/customers/] PHP::require_once();Variables in local scope: [EnabledPlugins] array ( 'HTMLPurifier' => 'HtmlPurifier', )[Paths] NULL[PluginFolder] 'HtmlPurifier'[PluginName] 'HTMLPurifier'[PluginInfo] array ( )Need Help? If you are a user of this website, you can report this message to a website administrator. If you are an administrator of this website, you can get help at the Lussumo Community Forums. Additional information for support personnel: Application: Garden Application Version: 1.0 PHP Version: 5.2.10 Operating System: Linux


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I'm not sure about this one - I've seen a few people get it, but I haven't been able to duplicate it yet.

    Anyone debug it?
  • I have this same error no offense but there is no point in releasing vanilla 2 as it is still not working you should announce this :)
  • lucluc ✭✭
    It does work if you install it on a host that satisfies the prerequesite.

    I did install it on some of my servers either using apache2 with mod_php or nginx/php-cgi without issues (once configuration file for nginx has been created (for the rewrite rules))
  • Bean am i able to run my domain off your server temporerilly please
  • Maybe getting Vanilla2 added to a tool like installatron ( would help those persons on a shared host avoid these types of installation/configuration problems... Vanilla is certainly enough of a mainstream app to warrant its inclusion and there are several inexpensive hosting companies that make tools like this available to their customers (not so much as a service as it is a "don't bug tech support with your install issues" feature).
  • "It does work if you install it on a host that satisfies the prerequesite."

    Mr. Bean could you please specify which prerequisite you think is not satsified.
    If not this looks like a response: it works for me , so it works for everyone.
  • lucluc ✭✭
    The requirements are clearly stated on the project documentation page:

    I can't say the requirements are met or not, because that's the job of the person installing it to find out, otherwise create a forum on, this way server issues will not be for you to deal with.

    The basic thing to provide is the phpinfo from the server you're using.
  • I have the expectation's :/
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