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Changing password caused the following error:

edited October 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I couldn't remember my password, so I had send me a reset link to my email. I clicked the link, reset my password, and the following error occurred: I later could log in with my new password after navigating manually to the forums.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'The email or id is required' in /srv/www/vanillaforumsorg/applications/garden/models/class.usermodel.php:712 Stack trace: #0 /srv/www/vanillaforumsorg/library/core/class.passwordauthenticator.php(126): Gdn_UserModel->ValidateCredentials(false, 0, 'XXXXX') #1 /srv/www/vanillaforumsorg/library/core/class.passwordauthenticator.php(108): Gdn_PasswordAuthenticator->_Authenticate(false, 'XXXXX', false, '') #2 /srv/www/vanillaforumsorg/applications/garden/controllers/entry.php(385): Gdn_PasswordAuthenticator->Authenticate(Array) #3 /srv/www/vanillaforumsorg/library/core/class.dispatcher.php(222): EntryController->PasswordReset('3245', 'TXVYGY') #4 /srv/www/vanillaforumsorg/index.php(41): Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch() #5 {main} thrown in /srv/www/vanillaforumsorg/applications/garden/models/class.usermodel.php on line 712
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