Permissions Field Resets when editing permissions

edited November 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I've created an application for Garden that defines 5 new permissions, when I try to edit a role to change these permissions, the whole "Permissions" field in gdn_users for the users in the respective role is blanked, thus resulting in a Fatal error when they try to login.
Is this a bug in Garden, or the way I defined the permissions. (in the about.php file of the application)?


  • edited November 2009
    It would turn out that the Permissions field in the GDN_User table is actually a cache, It is cleared when you edit permissions relating to that users' group. The problem I saw was because of a discrepancy with my version of PHP, which was treating "$Permissions[$PermissionName]..." [Line 44, class.usermodel.php] as a string and not converting it to an array when "$Permissions[$PermissionName][] = ..." is used. I fixed it by inserting "$Permissions[$PermissionName] = array();" Above Line 44 in class.usermodel.php
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Thanks for the fix!

    Have you filled out the contributor's agreement?

    After you've done that, I can implement your contribution :)
  • Yep, done that.
    Althought it's not much of a contrubution :)
  • It'll probably need some kind of evaluator to tell if it's already array, otherwise "= arra();" will keep clearing, thereby only really evaluating the last occurence.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yeah - I was thinking the same thing.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I changed it to this:
    if(is_numeric($JunctionID) && $JunctionID > 0) {
    if (!is_array($Permissions[$PermissionName]))
    $Permissions[$PermissionName] = array();

    $Permissions[$PermissionName][] = $JunctionID;
    } else {
    $Permissions[] = $PermissionName;
  • oliverraduneroliverraduner ✭✭
    edited May 2010
    I have a major issue in Vanilla 2 RC1:

    The Permission update does not work for none of the users! It just deletes the whole "Permissons"-content in GDN_User when I update a user's role!!

    This prevents Users from logging in (obviously), displaying a "You're not authorized" message.

    Strange thing is: the permissions on the webinterface is saved & displayed correctly!? (might this be a caching issue?)

    Any clues?
  • Anyone? Any idea why the permission-field is not being set properly in the DB?
    Any idea how to debug this?
  • [SOLVED]

    It turns out that it's not an issue with the "Permission" field.

    Instead, the value "Garden.SignIn.Allow" in the Permissions-Table GDN_Permission was set to FALSE (0) for the Members-Role.
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