CSS Error?

KrakKrak New
edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
In my Clockwork styles I have a small probelm. Im not sure if it is my style, or my server, my computer, or the server Lussumo is on. The page numbers don't always show up correctly. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. If they don't a refresh always fixes the problem.

The bottom border will be off and the all the numbers wont show up. See the screenshot. Any ideas on what this is? How to fix it? I doesn't happen with any of the styles that are on this forum, just mine, that I link to from my server. So I guess its down to being my server (connection or something) or the actual CSS?



  • this is your friend: http://lussumo.com/community/comments.php?DiscussionID=182&page=1
  • Ahh, thanks.. So to sum it up it is a FF bug right, although you found a fix that works most of the time? It was a little confusing, or I am not in the right frame of mind at the moment. I will have to read it a few more times.
  • Yeah, before that fix it was b0rked all the time on my style, but it's not perfect, and it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, it just makes the fox happy until its fixed.
  • I'm about to start a new site called "CSS Sorcery" that is targetted towards the designers that might not know all the tricks of the trade and simplify the hacks and tricks. But I just need a good community to back it up, so it's currently very low on my to-do list.
  • That would be awesome Kosmo. I'd frequent that site fo sho.
  • Kosmo, CSS Sorcery sounds like a corker... get the forum up pronto!
  • ._o
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