Adding buttons to the rest of my site

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I just installed vanilla on my server and it installed fine. i'd like to add buttons to the interface that link users back to the main pages of my site. What files must I edit? Thank you, Andrew


  • I actually just did a search and found this issue addressed elsewhere, which brings me to another question... How can I delete posts? (as an admin)
  • No way to delete them (at the moment). You can change the post to a whisper to yourself, then no one else can see it. Or if you are the admin you can hide the post, so no one can see it. Then in the settings section with the cleanup extension activated you can remove all the hidden posts. Thats the way to do it, right guys? Correct me if I am wrong. With the new rev will there be any change to this?
  • What Krak was trying to say: Jump to the thread, In the sidebar select "Hide this discussion" for each discussion you wish to delete (same goes for individual posts). Go to Settings > Extensions > Enable the Cleanup Extension once enabled, you'll notice a new entry in your settings sidebar. Click it and read carefully. You will then have the wonderous option to delete all hidden threads and posts. And delete any idle users who will be at your mercy.
  • lol
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