"Signed In As?"

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Am I taking crazy pills? I can't seem to find where the "Signed In As"/"Not signed in" link from the header is located in the stylesheet. Anyone?


  • It's the Session class.
  • KrakKrak New
    edited October 2005
    The WebDeveloper extension for Firefox is freaking awesome... if you develop anything for the web, it is a must have I swear it.
  • I would give my left kidney for an IE WebDeveloper toolbar...
  • You don't need one if you use FF ;)
  • KrakKrak New
    edited October 2005
    I found this with a quick Google, no idea what it does specifically.

    So, about that kidney...
  • I would give both of my kidneys if IE ceased to exist!
  • The WebDeveloper extension for Firefox is freaking awesome...

    amen to that. press ctrl+shift+y and then move the crosshair over any element on the page and take a look at the status bar. good aint it? and then click on the element... now that's useful!
  • I'd give my left kidney to lech if IE was dropped out of the equation.
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