Extension idea: Who's writing a comment?

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Ok maybe it would be too intensive to run on a large forum, but... you know when you are writing a big hefty ole comment down, and by the time you've finished it a couple of people have already beat ya to it and posted their own messages up, making your answer irrelevant... or look stupid... (happens to me a lot ha ha) would it be possible to have a wee sidebar in the comment form, listing anyone else currently writing a comment?


  • I don't understand how that would help the situation you are proposing...you just know that they are writing a comment, you have no idea whether or not that comment has anything to do with what you are going to say.
  • yeah that's a good point dude.
  • I can see where 3stripe is coming from, but yeah, it would be a pretty resourcey (new word) extension i assume, and i think the idea needs a bit more thought into it to make it work. Interesting though.
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited October 2005
    maybe if you were making more of a vanilla style live discussion thingie
  • Somewhat of a combination of forum/IRC style communication, using AJAX I would presume?
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited October 2005
    yeah.... been here before i just realised :-! http://lussumo.com/community/comments.php?DiscussionID=300
  • Ive seen a similar function on some forums "users currently viewing this thread xxx"
  • I think we need a brain extension which makes us all virually omnipotent and then don't even need to communicate because we already know what everyone else is thinking.
  • That should be a really interesting extension, let's create some UML diagrams for it ;)
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